
Monster Hunter Rise Iron Ore

Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) - Iron Ore Banner

This is a farming guide for Iron Ore, an item in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise). Learn how to get Iron Ore, all mining locations, driblet rates from monsters and quests, also Fe Ore uses in equipment and decoration crafting.

Name Iron Ore ImageIron Ore
Name (JP) 鉄鉱石
Description Ore that can exist smelted into metal and used for unlike purposes.
Rarity iv Blazon Ore
Sell Price lx Hold Limit 99
Location Summary
Gathered from mining nodes in the map.
Map Gathering Spot
Shrine Ruins Mining Outcrop (Bluish)
Flooded Wood Mining Outcrop (White, Blue)
Frost Islands Mining Outcrop (White, Blue)
Sandy Plains Mining Outcrop (White, Blue)
Lava Caverns Mining Outcrop (Bluish)
Map Node Type
Frost Islands Ore Node
Type 60 minutes Quest Proper noun Drop Rate (#)
Hamlet Quest ★1 Help With Maintenance ½
Village Quest ★1 Impious Peons ½
Village Quest ★one Fungal Frustrations ½
Village Quest ★1 Roly-poly Lanterns ½
Hub Quest ★1 Off the Beaten Path ½
Hub Quest ★one A Grizzly Encounter
Hub Quest ★1 Wroggi Identify, Wroggi Time ½
Hub Quest ★1 A Snowball's Chance...
Hub Quest ★one Tired and Feathered ½
Urgent Village Quest ★two Great Izuchi, Slap-up Hurting ½
Village Quest ★two Instance of the Creepy Crawlies ½
Village Quest ★ii Rabid Rabbit
Village Quest ★2 Grizzly Glutton
Urgent Hub Quest ★2 Expressionless Ringer
Hub Quest ★2 Billowy Brawlers
Hub Quest ★two Reinventing the Wheel
Hub Quest ★2 I Want Off This Ride
Event Quest ★two Rising Sun!? -
Village Quest ★iii Supply Run ½
Village Quest ★3 Tin't Stomach the Thought
Village Quest ★four Third Wheel
Village Quest ★4 Off Your Rocker
Hamlet Quest ★5 The Hottest Around

Item drop rate is ranked from 1 to five ★, with five stars being the most common. A half star is indicated with ½.

HR Quest Name Drop Rate (#)
★3 Breath of the Past ★ (x2)
★3 The Cactus Diet ★ (x2)

Delivery Quests each have a special ready of Target Rewards to replace those earned by hunting Monsters.

You can detect Iron Ore in blue mining outcrops in the Shrine Ruins.

The almost effective way to subcontract all the Iron Ore from the Shrine Ruins is to follow this route.

There is a Neat Wirebug straight behind the tent of the main military camp. Use it and climb upwards the mountain behind the tent.

Once yous state, you should see a Bitterbug with a ledge above it, jump up to the ledge and you'll observe the mining outcrop atop the mountain.

In that location's a cliff overlooking Area 1, to the left of the behemothic stone arch. Climb upward that cliff and find the second blue mining outcrop.

Observe the ledge right of one of the statues right below the Expanse five mark in the map. Arise it and you should find a Great Wirebug.

Use this Great Wirebug and at the tiptop of your flight, there will exist another Great Wirebug. Use information technology every bit well to ascend to the acme of a ruined tower.

Once atop the tower, expect to your left and yous'll see a ruined wooden curvation. By that is a plateau that has the next mining outcrop, which is to your left every bit you enter the curvation.

You will notice a waterfall past Area 6. The mining outcrop is merely at the height of the waterfall, to the right. You can climb up the waterfall using the vines to the left of information technology.

There will be an mining outcrop in Area 12, to the southern walls.

There will be some other mining outcrop in Area 11, to the southern walls too.

Result Summary
Used to craft items or forge equipment.
Heavy Bowgun Image Air current Thief Crossbow I (×3) Lance Image Air current Thief Lance I (×ii)
Heavy Bowgun Image Arzuros Gun I (×two) Charge Blade Image Cuddly Cat I (×4)
Sword & Shield Image Hunter'south Pocketknife I (×3) Light Bowgun Image Hunter's Rifle I (×three)
Charge Blade Image Hyperguard I (×3) Heavy Bowgun Image Iron Assault I (×3)
Insect Glaive Image Fe Blade I (×3) Bow Image Iron Bow I (×iii)
Gunlance Image Fe Gunlance I (×3) Hammer Image Fe Hammer I (×3)
Hunting Horn Image Iron Horn I (×3) Long Sword Image Atomic number 26 Katana I (×3)
Lance Image Iron Lance I (×three) Great Sword Image Iron Sword I (×3)
Dual Blades Image Matched Slicers I (×3) Switch Axe Image Proto Iron Axe I (×3)
Lance Image Naag Serpentblade I (×7) Great Sword Image Aknosom Blade I (×3)
Gunlance Image Aknosom Gunlance I (×three) Insect Glaive Image Aknosom Pike I (×3)
Bow Image Arzuros Bow I (×2) Switch Axe Image Axenosom I (×three)
Sword & Shield Image Cunning Riposte I (×5) Dual Blades Image Cyclone (×fifteen)
Dual Blades Image Desperado I (×four) Hunting Horn Image Frog Flute I (×4)
Sword & Shield Image Hunter's Knife Ii (×3) Dual Blades Image Hurricane I (×5)
Dual Blades Image Hurricane II (×10) Hammer Image Iron Devil (×4)
Long Sword Image Iron Katana Two (×4) Lance Image Iron Lance 2 (×iv)
Long Sword Image Kamura Blade II (×1) Charge Blade Image Kamura C. Blade II (×1)
Hunting Horn Image Kamura Chorus II (×1) Great Sword Image Kamura Cleaver II (×1)
Insect Glaive Image Kamura Glaive II (×one) Dual Blades Image Kamura Glintblades II (×1)
Gunlance Image Kamura Gunlance Ii (×1) Heavy Bowgun Image Kamura H. Bowgun II (×1)
Hammer Image Kamura Hammer II (×ane) Switch Axe Image Kamura Iron Axe II (×1)
Bow Image Kamura Fe Bow II (×1) Light Bowgun Image Kamura L. Bowgun 2 (×1)
Lance Image Kamura Spear Two (×1) Sword & Shield Image Kamura Sword Ii (×one)
Great Sword Image Khezu Shock Sword I (×3) Insect Glaive Image Leaping Glaive I (×4)
Heavy Bowgun Image Marino Burst I (×two) Heavy Bowgun Image Meteor Bazooka I (×ten)
Heavy Bowgun Image Meteor Cannon (×40) Switch Axe Image Proto Iron Axe Two (×2)
Heavy Bowgun Image Reversal Shot I (×2) Dual Blades Image Schirmscorn I (×3)
Great Sword Image Tetranadon Edge I (×2) Hammer Image Unbearable Hammer I (×3)
Hunting Horn Image Zurogong Primo I (×iii) Great Sword Image Carapace Sword I (×2)
Long Sword Image Castello Saif I (×8) Lance Image Heat Lance I (×5)
Arms Image Kamura Braces S (×3) Legs Image Leather Pants S (×three)
Waist Image Chainmail Chugalug South (×3) Arms Image Leather Gloves S (×3)
Waist Image Alloy Coil (×i) Legs Image Blend Greaves (×i)
Head Image Blend Helm (×one) Arms Image Alloy Vambraces (×3)
Arms Image Arzuros Vambraces (×2) Head Image Baggi Helm (×ii)
Arms Image Chainmail Gloves (×2) Head Image Chainmail Headgear (×2)
Legs Image Chainmail Pants (×2) Torso Image Hunter'due south Mail (×1)
Legs Image Ingot Greaves (×3) Head Image Ingot Helm (×2)
Arms Image Ingot Vambraces (×4) Arms Image Kamura Braces (×one)
Head Image Kamura Caput Scarf (×1) Legs Image Kamura Leggings (×i)
Waist Image Tetranadon Coil (×3)

MH Rise - Items Materials Partial Banner

Listing of Items and Materials

Master Rank Items
Dragonbone Antiquity Awegite Prized Pelt Tough Claw
Large Herbivore Bone Monster Toughbone Twisted Stiffbone Timeworn Cherry-red Horn
Frocium Purecrystal Deepshell Valiabiscus
Big Armored Bream Torpor Sac Monster Essence Goldlite Ore
Low/High Rank Items
Boatshell Wisplantern Stone Rose Male monarch Rhino
Bismuth Prism Machalite Ore Rhenoplos Egg Eroded Skeleton
Particular and Material Types
MH Rise Ore Icon.pngOre Bones.pngBones Monster.pngMonster Materials
Plants.pngPlants Medicine.pngFood and Medicine Fish.pngFish
Insects.pngInsects Traps and Bombs.pngTraps and Bombs Ammo and Phials.pngAmmo and Phials
Tickets Icon.pngTickets and Coins Account Item.pngAccount Items Scraps Icon.pngScraps
MH Rise Sunbreak - Afflicted Material Icon.pngAffected Materials - -
Other Items Other Materials Upgrade Material Types

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